About me
Dream job: pathologist who solved crimes.
Did I watch a seventies television show called Quincy M.E. starring Jack Klugman? Religiously. My Papa and I (who I suspect harboured a little man crush on Jack himself) would sit with our Sri Lankan curries on TV trays never missing an episode.
I searched everywhere in the D's between Chemistry and English but no G.C.S.E Detective Pathologist. A flaccid attempt at education followed until a BA(Hons) in Film at the University of Kent woke me up. Science fiction first thing Monday morning and a dissertation on the comparative effects between Mescaline and the cinema of Alfred Hitchcock, woke me up. What do you mean my degree needs to lead to a job?
After two years as a TV presenter and researcher I tore myself away from the bright lights of Norwich for a year in New York. Brought up in a house where the square box of dreams shone its titillating American TV programmes like a beacon through my hideous secondary school years I had to try my hand at acting. Postgraduate in Drama later; next six years spent as a jobbing actress, waiting by the telephone to hear if I'd got the lead in the new vampire detective series, hearing instead that I'd been double pencilled as the understudy for the Asian corner shop owner's daughter in a breaking ground new unpaid play on arranged marriages.
Got married (arranged myself) had three kids and did an MA in Creative Writing. Been writing ever since, leading to the mutually terrifying and satisfying realisation that I probably always will.